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Creating Jobs and Lowering Costs for Illinois Families


Eric is working to ensure there are good-paying jobs right here in Central and Northwestern Illinois. That's why he worked to reopen the idled Belvidere auto plant and get a commitment for thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars in investment here in Illinois. He also introduced a bill to protect jobs at the Rock Island Arsenal and ensure the base employs Illinoisans for decades to come.

Protecting Reproductive Rights


Eric supports codifying Roe v. Wade and permanently restoring a woman’s right to choose into law. He helped introduce legislation to make abortion care accessible nationwide.


Eric is also working to ensure Illinois remains a good neighbor in providing safe, legal reproductive care by protecting the freedom of patients to travel across state lines for health services and ensuring Illinois clinics have the support they need.

Supporting Public Safety and Law Enforcement

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Eric supports the police and knows that police officers have tough jobs and often work on strained budgets to keep our communities safe. That’s why he’s been a leader in Congress on delivering millions to local police departments in Central and Northwestern Illinois.


Working across the aisle, he secured $847,000 funding for equipment and construction of a new police training center in Winnebago County to benefit officers in our region.


To stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl, Eric introduced bipartisan legislation to increase funding for fentanyl screening at the border and resources for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to go after traffickers.

Strengthening Local Infrastructure


Eric believes our communities in Central and Northwestern Illinois should never be left behind when it comes to the infrastructure families depend on each and every day. He delivered historic investments to ensure parents in every corner of our district can pour their kid a glass of water and know it’s safe to drink.


He has also brought home tax dollars to put Illinoisans to work fixing roads and bridges and building housing to make our communities resilient for the next generation.

Supporting Seniors and Social Security

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Eric will always defend our seniors and protect their ability to retire with dignity. He is committed to opposing any legislation that privatizes or makes any cuts to Social Security and Medicare.


He also backs a bill to increase Social Security benefits for seniors and make the program solvent for future generations.

Cutting the Cost of Healthcare and Prescription Drugs

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Eric believes that everyone should have access to quality and affordable health care, and that coverage shouldn’t be a matter of income or the population of your hometown. 


Eric is focused on lowering the cost of prescription drugs for working families and seniors by protecting and expanding Medicare’s ability to negotiate prescription drug prices and he has introduced legislation to crack down on big pharma delay tactics that increase prices. Eric will always work to defend and improve the Affordable Care Act to protect health care coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.

Supporting Veterans

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Eric honors the sacrifices of our veterans and their families and has introduced legislation to increase grants to help disabled veterans afford home accessibility upgrades, such as ramps for wheelchairs and other improvements.


Understanding that veterans make up the very best of our communities, Eric has worked tirelessly to connect veterans with the benefits and recognition they rightfully earned. He will always stand up to expand benefits to honor our promise to those who served.

Making Government Work for Illinois


Eric came to Congress after earning the trust of his neighbors as their meteorologist for over two decades. He was a trusted neighbor who focused on keeping people safe by informing them daily about the weather and always telling the truth. In Congress, he has continued to look out for his neighbors by making government work better for Illinois.

As representative, Eric has closed 1,500 cases with federal agencies to help residents, returning more than $3 million directly back to constituent pockets. And he has brought back over  $130,000,000 to strengthen our police forces, fix our roads and sidewalks, improve water lines, replace lead pipes, and strengthen our lock and dam infrastructure. 

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